When Paul
came to a town, both good and bad things happened. The gospel message he
brought stirred people up. It had a major impact. Not only were there
conversions but there were also antagonism and riots.
We too can
expect both fruit and opposition in our gospel-sharing endeavors. An example of
this happened to me on the Oregon coast. I met a boy who, like me, had experienced
the death of his father when he was a boy. His late dad had been a Christian
and his interest was peaked when he learned that I was a believer. My conversation with this
boy made an impression on me and I began to pray for him. A few days after our
encounter, I ran into him again. My heart was encouraged, believing that the
Lord had arranged this. I was able not only to reconnect with him, but also to
share the gospel with friends he was with.
after that, I got into a long conversation with four teens who showed interest
in and asked questions about everything from sin to the resurrection. Near the
end of that conversation they saw three friends coming down the street and
invited them over to hear the gospel! I
was on an emotional high from this very fruitful afternoon when two Florence
City Police officers pulled up. I assumed they would ask me if I had seen
someone that they were looking for. Much to my surprise, I learned that they
were actually there to interrogate me. Someone had seen me talking with young
people and suspected that I was a pedophile! It is hard to think of a more troubling
accusation. Worse, at least one of the officers did not appear to be convinced
of my innocence. I heard him say on his radio: “Of course, he’s denying it!”
While the
police in this situation were simply doing their job, it is a vivid reminder of
the fight that we can expect when we get serious about sharing the gospel. This
incident shook me up for a few hours but ultimately served to strengthen my
determination to spread the gospel.
It should
not surprise us when we encounter opposition to our efforts to share our faith.
Let’s be realistic: Not everyone is going to be happy when we talk to them
about spiritual things. Certain biblical truths will not “fly” well in our
culture. Truths such as Jesus is the only way to heaven, the need for repentance
and that God shows grace to the unworthy are not popular and can sometimes lead
to strong reactions.
I was in
Gladstone with some free time and it was my desire to share the gospel with young people. Without a
local map or a GPS, I prayed for God’s direction. As I drove around, I
“stumbled” upon a skate park and thanked the Lord for answering my prayer. Immediately a slight boy “greeted” me, pointing
his finger and proclaiming in his best macho voice, “There‘s the parking lot!” That
was quite and introduction yet that same boy ended up listening, asking
questions and following me around. I talked with different groups that day. As
I approached one group three boys declared “We’re homosexual!” as they
pretended to do sexual acts. One boy opened up his shirt and stuck his chest in
my face as I was quoting John 3:16-18. As I left some of them threw my tracts
down and stomped on them as they yelled obscenities at me. Talk about
opposition! Yet I as I walked away I had a strong sense that God had sent me
there for His purposes. Even in the midst of the resistance, I had sensed some
openness to the Word and rejoiced.
Once at
Linn-Benton Community College I approached a man sitting on a bench and asked
if he would like to do my “Good Person” survey. He began to curse at me. When I gently asked
him why he was so upset with Christians, he threatened to call the police.
In another
memorable incident, I was sharing with some boys at a skate park in Salem when
an older high school student came over and asked them: “Didn’t you come here to
ride? Go and ride.” He chased them away from me thinking he was doing them a
favor. When I asked him what was going on he sneered, “You people are coming to
our doors and now to our skate parks.” His anger was so strong that I thought
it best to leave the area.
When we
experience this kind of resistance or rejection because of the gospel, we can
encourage ourselves with Jesus words: “Blessed are those who are
persecuted because of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds
of evil against you because of me. Rejoice and be glad, because great is your
reward in heaven, for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were
before you (Matthew 6:10-12).
I am also inspired by accounts of persecution
I read in a monthly newsletter published by Voice
the Martyrs. It contains stories of believers in countries where
Christianity and especially evangelizing, are not tolerated. These people pay a
major penalty for sharing their faith. There are stories of women whose
husbands have been killed for proselytizing. Others have lost body parts due to
severe beatings. Many know they will be attacked, imprisoned, and, in some
cases, killed for what they are doing. Yet they boldly go on proclaiming Him, fully
knowing that becoming silent about their faith could end their suffering. These men and women
inspire me to put up with the comparatively small amount of opposition I
sometimes face.How about you? When you face hardship because of your faith in Christ, will you consider it a privilege?
Next week:
“Expect Fruit”
Ed Skipper 2013
For more
information about Ed’s ministry, to listen to him speak or to contact him about
speaking to your group, visit heartofrevival.net.
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