That was
not Jesus’ nor the apostles’ approach to sharing the gospel. They didn’t say,
“If someone shows up in your church building, make disciples of them.” They
went to the people.
What makes us afraid to go out and share the
gospel? I often have to fight through fear at two points when talking with a
stranger about the good news of Christ. Fear first comes up when I contemplate
approaching people. I don’t naturally start conversations with people I don’t
Secondly fear creeps up when I consider bringing
Jesus, the gospel or spiritual topics into a conversation. I know that not
everyone will be pleased with my efforts to talk to them about Christianity.
Truth be
told, this is fear of people. It is my desire to have others’ approval, or at
the very least, not wanting their disapproval. It is over-valuing others’ opinion of me. And what overcomes
that? It is caring most what God thinks and not what people think. It is doing
what is pleasing to him and leaving my reputation in His hands the way Peter
and John did before the Jewish leaders:
Then they called them in again and commanded
them not to speak or teach at all in the name of Jesus. 19 But Peter
and John replied, “Judge for yourselves whether it is right in God’s sight to
obey you rather than God. 20 For we cannot help speaking about what
we have seen and heard” (Acts 4:18-19).
I love the
way Mark Dever frames this issue: “We are called to love others. We share the
gospel because we love people. And we don’t share the gospel because we don’t
love people. Instead, we wrongly fear them. We don’t want to cause awkwardness.
We want their respect, and after all, we figure, if we try to share the gospel
with them, we’ll look foolish! And so we are quiet. We protect our pride at the
cost of their souls. In the name of not wanting to look weird, we are content to
be complicit in their being lost.”
I have
often found that when I obey the Lord and go, God is already out there fighting
parts of the battle which I cannot fight. He sets up circumstances, causing
people to be at the right place at the right time. He prepares the hearts of
people. When you step out of your comfort zone you step into God’s comfort
example, at the Albany skate park I ran into a couple of Native American guys.
One claimed to have a wolf in him. He was very friendly and willing to engage
as I asked him about his spiritual beliefs. His claim was that everyone has an
animal force within but most people do not tap into it. I asked if I had one
and he called his “spirit guide” friend over. The “spirit guide” identified my
animal as a coyote. After getting permission to share my beliefs, I explained the gospel, starting with the
sinful nature within each of us. It was apparent that it was the first time
this young man had heard the gospel as he was very friendly and courteous. Clearly pondering what he had heard he
thoughtfully said, “This is very different from what we believe.”
time an elementary school Lebanon I talked to a Linn-Benton Community College
student who was happy to take my survey entitled “Are You A Good Person.” He shared that he once lived with an Assembly
of God youth pastor in Silverton and that he had given his heart to the Lord at
that time. Later he stopped living the life and finally gave up on it. Nevertheless
his tender heart was evident. I believe we both had a sense that God was
calling him back to Himself through our encounter.
Because of
these encounters and many, many others I
am convinced that speaking with strangers about the gospel is worth pursuing. Many
I never would have otherwise met have come
to understand the gospel for the first time because of our conversations.
When I
share on the street my objective is not to get people to pray a “sinner’s
prayer.” I’m glad to “close the deal” if I sense that God is drawing the person
to Himself. Conversion is a work of God. I see my role as sharing truth. The
Holy Spirit does the work in the heart that I cannot do. Most of the time, I am
simply planting seeds.
So many
times I have been tempted to play it safe. But what great opportunities would have been
missed along with great blessings! If you obey the Lord in sharing your faith,
you’ll be amazed at how He can use you. When it comes to sharing your faith,
what is the next step that God is calling you to?
Next two
weeks: “My Approach to Sharing the Gospel”
Ed Skipper 2013
For more
information about Ed’s ministry, to listen to him speak or to contact him about
speaking to your group, visit
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