This is describing a heart that is worldly, divided,
double-minded and distracted. We would do well to heed its warning.
Hundreds of things, which, in and of themselves are
innocent, become hell’s little helpers and poison to the soul when we set our
hearts on them.
Distractions of all kinds are in constant
competition for the chief place in our affections. They become idols when they mean
more to us than Jesus does. Yet Jesus said, “No one can serve two masters.
Either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the
one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money”
(Matthew 6:24).
If the devil cannot have you as a non-believer, he
will attempt to make it so that Jesus Christ is not the all-consuming passion
of your life. He will try to keep you from having Jesus be the center of your
life, the main thing. This battle for our affections may be the biggest fight
of the Christian life. It is crucial
that we win this ongoing battle.
The world continually attempts to persuade us to
pursue leisure and entertainment. For older Americans the message is to travel,
enjoy that RV, watch television, play BINGO or Bridge. Younger people are often
entertained by, and distracted from, eternal things through social media,
surfing the net, texting, ipods, television and electronic games. None of these
things are sinful in and of themselves, but they can lure us away from the
things that are truly valuable such as loving God wholeheartedly and loving
I sometimes receive flyers in the mail advertising satellite
TV or a cable package that includes ESPN and various sports stations. And I
think to myself: I could kick back every evening and watch my favorite teams
play. There are so many stations to choose from that I could always find a
decent sporting even or show to be entertained by. I admit: it is tempting!
Then one day in heaven I could hear Jesus say to me:
“Well done good and faithful football fan!” (Just kidding)
I encourage you to resist the bombardment from the
world that is trying to persuade you to let entertainment be your god. Let’s
not let the trivial take us away from the more important matters of life, the
eternal priorities. Let’s not waste our lives on things that won’t ultimately
Paul wrote: “Since then, you have been raised with
Christ, set your hearts on things above where Christ is seated at the right
hand of God. Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things”
(Colossians. 3:1-2).
When my children were young, I used to take them to
a video arcade. There was a game there that illustrates the kind of battle we
fight. The player held a gun that shot a laser at a screen full of circles that
randomly flashed. Each circle was numbered one, two or three indicating the
number of points you earned by hitting it while it was lit up. After playing a
few games, I realized that when I was shooting at the one’s, I missed out on
the two’s and three’s that had lit briefly up. The best strategy for getting the
maximum score was to totally ignore the ones and to only concentrate on shooting
twos and threes.
Being preoccupied with shooting at insignificant “one’s”
is a great picture of what this world does to us with its preoccupation with
entertainment and leisure. We can become so distracted that we lose our focus
on the eternal. I observed this happening in some of the people who had been
touched by the move of God’s Spirit.
How about you? Have you been duped by this world
into concentrating on lesser things? Or is your energy being invested in those
things that are eternal and significant in God’s eyes?
Ed Skipper 2013
For more information about Ed’s ministry, to listen
to him speak or to contact him about speaking to your group, visit